Knockout and Other Easy Growing Roses

It wasn't that long ago that roses were just a pain to grow.  I've overseen two public rose gardens and have been a AARS rose judge so I know all too well how difficult roses can be. 

Not so long ago, roses were not gown on their own roots. They were grafted or budded and you had to worry about the hardiness of the graft union or about root suckers. They had to be winter protected with mounds of dirt or mulch. You had to carefully prune them into the spring. And once they started growing i the spring you had to spray them once a week, and after every rain, or else they would become infected with black-spot and their leaves would fall off. Oh the joy!

But roses have come a long way in the last 15-20 years. The best roses are now grown on their own roots. This new breed of roses does no longer needs to be sprayed with fungicides. Breeding for disease resistance has become the new standard.

The flowers of these new roses may not resemble the archetypal Mr. Lincoln, but the plant overall is much improved in terms of habit and branching. These roses are much better plants providing season long color with very little effort. Here are a few roses that represent the very best breeding I've come across. 

Knockout was the beginning of the new rose revolution

Home Run Red is the most free flowering rose I know.

Home Run Red thrives in harsh growing conditions
Home Run Pink is perpetual flowering and
disease resistant just like Hone Run Red. 

Oso Easy Cherry Pie can be stunning when planted in mass

Oso Easy Fragrant Spreader - is a great landscaping, ground cover rose.
It is the most fragrant rose I know. Plant it near a walk or entrance to
take full advantage of its spicy sweet fragrance. 

Oso Easy Honey Bun has superior disease resistance and loads of blooms

Oso Easy Mango Salsa is new rose with hot orange and pink flowers

Oso Easy Strawberry Crush and Oso Easy Peachy Cream

Oso Easy Paprika is a favorite for many people. 

The Oso Happy Series originates in Minnesota
and offers superior hardiness and disease resistance.
 This is Oso Happy Petit Pink 