The great thing about dwarf conifers is that they require so little work to keep them looking so good. Just plant them and enjoy them. They add color and structure in the winter months. I like varieties that add interesting color or texture as they stand out in the garden. Here are a few of my favorites.

Juniperus horizontalis 'Gold Fever' was introduced by Iseli Nursery. A colorful, low growing plant that benefits from dappled sun.

Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Little Keon' in a small rouned plant with foliage similar to 'Boulevard.' Blue foliage is always a great additon to the garden.
Thuja plicata 'Whipcord' is a very cooling looking shrub. The species has good deer resistance.

This is just one of the funny, sheared conifers that can be found at Iseli Nursery. While I'm not into shearing plants myself, you have to respect someone that can do it this well. It does make you smile.